By Kirk's sister, Kimberly

Kirk Kreidler
My brother was a United States Veteran where he served in the Navy for 9 years. He was stationed in California on an aircraft carrier (where he went all over the world) and VA Beach. He was a father of 2 kids and was full of life. He was an avid sports fan mainly the Cleveland Browns and the Cleveland Indians. They could do no wrong in his eyes. He loved to bowl and would often join the local country bowling league that would go on here in Ohio.
My brother was a not so happy child (had some anger issues which we think was related to being bipolar, but back than it wasn't a thing). He was a great brother though growing up as we spent many summers playing baseball together, going to amusement parks and just being kids as we were only three years apart.
He got into drinking when he was a teenager and it just got worse as he got older and got into more things. He would cause a lot of pain to the family and his kids because he was not available like he should be for the family. He spent some nights in jail as a result of his drug use and even ruined a family vacation we took to Florida to see his kids because of people back home messaging him about money he owed for drugs.
It never got any better up to his death and the day I found him laying on his floor not alive was the worst day of my life. I knew that he was dead before I called, but I wanted to believe that they could do something to bring him back.
