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John A.

By John's mom, Kathy

John M. Allen

Glendale Heights, Illinois

John was outgoing, funny and loving, and cared so much about others. He played basketball, football and enjoyed skateboarding and biking. John also loved music.

For all the families hurt by this epidemic, our loss is not just a number, it's not just another funeral. Parents burying their children is not supposed to happen. When will it stop? How many more lives have to be taken before a change really happens? I hurt every day and am holding onto every memory trying to comprehend how John is really gone. No one wants to bring up his name to me now. John was half my life, my laugh, my smile, my soul, he is my unconditional love… now gone.

John’s drug use started with marijuana, then Xanax and Adderall. Later on he got into prescription pain relievers, and harder drugs like molly, acid, and cocaine. And then he started snorting heroin. Within two weeks of using heroin, John was gone, with a fentanyl level of 8.1. He was buried on his 23rd birthday. It was a Tuesday, and John was already the fifth overdose that week.

It wasn't just another funeral. It's not anything "time" will heal. This is something only God can do. By God's Grace, I am out of bed today.

After John’s passing we started a nonprofit resale shop called My Child's Life Matters, where all proceeds go towards our community to help individuals fighting addiction who can't afford treatment. It is our misery turned into our ministry. Detox is a luxury that I never got to give to my son, and it is not to be taken for granted. We will also help vet recovery houses, and ensure that they are well-managed. Eventually, we hope to have our own one day.

Everyone should take a stand, and say “MY CHILD’S LIFE MATTERS,” and help us fight this fight.


#StopOverdose is an initiative of the  Addiction Policy Forum, a nonprofit accelerator for campaigns, ideas and innovations to better address addiction.

© 2020 Addiction Policy Forum

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