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Jameson L.

By Jameson's brother, Jeremiah

Jameson Tanner (J.T.) Lidemann

Laramie, Wyoming

Jameson Tanner Lindemann, also known as “J.T.,” was born on January 14, 1985. From the moment he was born, J.T. had a twinkle in his eye that let everyone know: "Look out world, get ready for me!" Growing up, J.T. loved little league baseball and was a pretty good player. He would hit home runs and then casually run all the bases - it seemed much more important to him to have fun than being seriously competitive about the game.

School was much the same way for J.T.. He would use his smile and eyes to talk his way out of doing homework, but somehow managed to remain the teacher's favorite.

J.T. was a talented musician, singer, songwriter. He taught himself how to play the drums and guitar. Composing lyrics came naturally to him and was always writing new verses or ideas down on fast food napkins and scraps of paper.

You could always find J.T. sitting outside singing and playing his guitar, playing his drums in the basement, or jamming at friends' homes and local music stores.

After about a year of struggling with addiction, J.T.’s body could no longer handle the abuse, shame, and sadness. He passed on September 13, 2007. As J.T. continues his new adventure, he is greatly missed by family and friends and will be remembered by all who knew him as a free spirit; the spark that lit up a room with his smile and fun loving ways, a loving son and brother, caring father, and a friend and helper to all who were lucky enough to be touched by his life.

The Celebrating Lost Loved Ones map was created to help break stigma around those impacted by the opioid epidemic and create awareness around the fact that great lives are being lost every day. J.T. is the first person on the map, which now has over 2700 people added. Anyone can add a lost loved one to the map directly by uploading a picture and brief bio, which will be reviewed by the National Safety Council and added to the map within a couple of days.


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