By Dillon's sister, Amanda

Dillon Douglas Wentz
York, PA
My brother Dillon was 23 years old when he passed away from an overdose. He spent 10 days on life support prior to his passing on July 7, 2015.
Dillon loved life and had fun with everything he did. His sense of humor and hilarious personality is deeply missed by everyone every single day.
Sports were big part of Dillon's life. He played almost every sport growing up, but excelled most at wrestling. My brother didn't care what the sport was, he just wanted to be active all the time! Dillon was also an avid Oakland Raiders football fan, even when no one else was.
Most importantly, Dillon was the most loving son, brother, and uncle anyone could ask for. He especially loved his niece, Ava, who was only 7 years old at the time of her "Uncle Dill's" death. No matter how tough life got for Dillon, he made sure he was always there to spoil her and love her.
Dillon hated his addiction and what it did to his life. We are a very close family and supported him in his efforts at recovery each and every time; he just could not get past the deep emotional pains that we could not understand. He felt this pain each time he would be sober for any significant length of time.
After a two month period of sobriety, Dillon gave in to his demons again on that fateful night that would ultimately end his life. Our only comfort is knowing that he no longer has to feel that emotional pain. If love alone could have saved him, Dillon would be with us today.